Daniella Montemarano
2017-2018 ISD Fellow
Huffington Graduate Fellow, MSFS
Adviser: Amb. Linda Thomas Greenfield, ISD Senior State Department Fellow
Research topic: “Next-Generation Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration in Somalia and the Lake Chad Basin”
Daniella Montemarano is a second-year MSFS candidate studying international conflict resolution and multitrack diplomacy under the Global Politics and Security concentration. Daniella specializes in transitional justice; stabilization operations; the rule of law; and gender, peace, and security. Prior to joining MSFS, Daniella led peacebuilding projects in West and Southern Africa and the United States, addressing issues like women’s political participation in rural Cameroon and post-conflict reconciliation within the Liberian diaspora community. Her recent work includes electoral violence analysis at the US Department of State and trial monitoring at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Daniella served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana (2012- 2015) and holds an honors B.A. in History and Political Science from New York University. Her ISD research project aims to develop a cross-regional model for insurgency-related Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) operations in the Horn of Africa and the Lake Chad Basin.