Tyrell Walker
2018-2019 ISD Fellow
Huffington Graduate Fellow, MA in Asian Studies
Adviser: James Seevers, Director of Studies, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy
Research topic: How Lilliputians Tether Gulliver: Subnational Governments in Foreign Relations
Tyrell Walker is a MA candidate in Asian Studies at the Walsh School of Foreign Service. His ISD research analyzed the role of subnational governments in international relations, in an effort to broaden the scope of conventional foreign policy analysis to include these subnational actors, as well as illustrate how these actors can enable smaller countries to “punch above their weight” in influencing larger nations. Previously, Ty worked at the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs at the State Department; acted as chief of staff at a national civil rights nonprofit; ran workshops on diversity, inclusion, and political activism throughout Japan; and interviewed, farmed, and lived with minority and indigenous communities throughout East Asia. He holds a dual BA in government and East Asian studies from Harvard University.