Category: Certificate in Diplomatic Studies, Featured News, News

Title: Feb. 1st Application Deadline Approaches for the Graduate Certificate in Diplomatic Studies

The certificate program is not limited to those seeking careers in diplomacy but encourages those whose careers will demand an understanding of the processes, players, core principles, and issues within which diplomatic strategy is formulated and diplomacy is conducted. ISD works with certificate candidates to devise a course of study that integrates and complements their area of concentration and that will provide them with the intellectual skills to assess complex diplomatic issues and actors, opportunities and limitations of courses of action, and to develop broad strategic goals and innovative yet pragmatic implementation steps. The goal is a balance of functional and regional focus, core and emerging issues, and statecraft skills and competencies tailored to the academic background and career goals of the candidates.

Who may apply?

The Certificate in Diplomatic Studies is open to all 1st year graduate students within the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University.

What is required in the application?

  • Application is available at and should be completed and submitted online.
  • Application includes proposed course of study, including 4 electives, which will be approved by ISD prior to acceptance into the certificate program.
  • 500 word essay on how certificate complements area of concentration and anticipated career.
  • Successful completion of one foundation course in fall 2023 or enrolled for spring 2024. (Provisional acceptance to certificate granted pending successful completion.)

What is required for the Certificate? 

  • Successful completion of one foundation course with a grade of A- or A.
  • Four electives, at least two of which are from outside area of concentration.
  • Successful completion of one ISD capstone course.
  • Internship at a governmental or international organization relevant to diplomacy, or prior professional-level work experience in such an organization.
  • SFS language competency requirement.

Which courses fulfill the certificate requirements? 

Foundation and elective courses have been identified from across the School of Foreign Service and can be viewed at isd. The courses to be included in the application are understood to be illustrative and are subject to availability and space. A foundation course must be taken either fall 2023 or spring 2024. Students may also petition for additional courses. The capstone is an issue-driven task force that draws on the breadth of course work to date and includes the collaborative drafting and presentation of a final joint report. These courses are under the direction of the Institute.

Background, FAQs, courses, and application are at:

Applications due February 1, 2024